Página La Poderosa
Intercambio con Oslo (31/03/2008)
Inger-Reidun Olsen presenta su pieza en proceso "Pressure"
A raíz del MOV’S (iniciativa del Mercat de les Flors de 2007) La Poderosa tuvo la oportunidad de entrar en contacto con diversos programadores del extranjero. A partir de esta experiencia, Las Santas desarrollarán un proyecto de intercambio con la artista noruega Inger-Reidun Olsen.

La primera fase del intercambio será acoger a la artista durante una semana en La Poderosa, para poder acercarla al entorno artístico al que pertenecen Las Santas. Esta experiencia permitirá establecer un diálogo y compartir los pensamientos que se den durante el proceso de creación.

Finalmente, Inger-Reidun Olsen presentará su pieza "Pressure" en La Poderosa.


Most people relate to different kinds of inner and outer pressure from both the social and the personal or private. We all have a inner ”house” with walls and rooms created by our stories and experiences. These give us a frame work through which we perceive and experience the world. The walls of this house can be protective, threatening, some times pressing but also liberating. We have to learn to adapt and live with, and in dialogue with, the limitations that life offers.

The performance situation already offers an outer pressure by the shere presence of the audience. A pressure from expectant gazes and the bodies seated facing the performer. In this situation there is also an inner pressure arising caused by the expectations of your own deliverance.

